Friday, March 10, 2006

"Ian's Marketing Experiments": Month Two

Mid-January, I posted an account of three very hectic days I spent building and launching a new website about a niche topic: "Learning Yoga". I had such great feedback about this diary that I decided to continue with it.

Over the last six weeks, I've kept a detailed diary on what I did to get the site indexed in the search engines, get in-bound links to the site from other websites and generally tidy up the site. I describe:

  • My feelings of both frustration and elation when I encountered failure and success.
  • What I did to get a Google Page Rank of "2" in less than 6 weeks
  • How I detected a copyright cheat
  • Why I rejected a lot of offers to link to my new website
  • What my plans are for future work on the site

Read my Marketing Experiments Diary here:

And please - give me more feedback using the form on the Diary page. By the way, if you missed the January Diary, there's a link to it on the current Diary page.

(From my Marketing Magic "News Update" newsletter)

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